Monday, April 16, 2007

You Found it!!

I have lots of pictures, and lots of things to report..we had some fun this past weekend at the local "Touch a Truck" festival, where local businesses brought their big, loud, unusual trucks out and let the kids get in them and learn about what they do. Matthew really loved this event...I think his favorite part was "lifting 9000 lbs". He got to get into a HUGE crane and push the lever to make the crane lift a 9000lb block of cement. The picture is not all that good, but you get the idea.

Here are a few favorite was probably when the Army Recruiter let Caitlin get inside the Hum-V (so don't know the right spelling of that) and let her turn it on. She was slightly petrified, but afterward thought it was pretty neat.

Also, they got to see Ambulances, mac trucks, police cars; and it wouldn't have been a festival down here with out the Chic fil a cow. Once they saw the cow they lost all interest in the trucks so we got their picture with him. Kinda funny-

Little Delinquents...

The kids LOVE this cow!

In the firetruck-

In other news...Caitlin has started soccer! She got mini shin guards, a pink soccer ball, and some new shoes and had her first "practice" on monday. I think she had a lot of fun, though i think the 40 or so other kids were a little intimidating. Luckily one of her buddies, Oliver, is also playing, so she had one familiar face there.

Getting ready to start socccer!

Caitlin all decked out in her soccer gear.

That's all for now...but ive got some cute pictures of Matthew and his new Tee Ball set. I'll post them later in the week.

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