Monday, June 11, 2007

St. Simons and other stuff

Chasing Nemo around the pool. Caitlin was the only one brave enough to go in the freezing cold water (it was only 9am, so it hadn't had time to warm up). She didn't seem to mind a bit!

Matthew and Alex-one of the "friends" they made down at St. Simons. They were having a splashing contest in the baby pool.

In the ocean with Daddy
When we couldn't go outside, Caitlin was busy with a puzzle...she loves puzzles-

Matthew and Daddy, waiting for the pool to warm up.

It's so nice to have the kids as an excuse to play in the sand :)

Eating "pretty cheerios" at the condo-Special cereal on vacation has become one of our traditions, and Caitlin and Matthew love it.

Ready to swim!

Here are the pictures from our wonderful St. Simon's trip-We all had a wonderful time-especially Caitlin and Matthew. They pretty much lived at the beach and in the pool. On our way down there we drove through a tropical depression, so we were worried about how the weather was going to be...but by the next day the storm and clouds had cleared off and we had great weather the whole time. I can't wait to go back next year!

I don't have too much news to report; everything is going well here. I had my 18 week ultrasound to find out if the baby is a boy or girl...and it turns out that it's just stubborn (or extremely modest)-the baby was situated in such a way that the doctor was unable to tell, so we have to wait a WHOLE MONTH to find out. However everything else looks great as far as the baby goes so I guess it's ok to have to wait :).

Matthew and Caitlin continue to be the best of friends-they play (and fight) together constantly, and are both becoming such good helpers to me. (I think im going to need this come November :)). They know how to clean their own rooms (sometimes this is just stuffing everything into the dirty laundry basket...) and empty the dishwasher (putting all the plates and cups on the counter) and help me with the laundry. Mostly they like playing outside, and now that the weather is warm they go out everyday to ride bikes and hunt for "wolly-poleys" and "sneeeeeellls" (snails). Im ok with it as long as the bugs stay OUTSIDE.

They still love their two stuffed animals-furry cat for Caitlin and Zarrrrrrr for Matthew-and constantly ask me to tell that what "furry cat and zarrr did". I made the mistake of making up this elaborate story one morning of what their stuffed animals were doing while C and M slept. It was very creative, and the cats were so naughty! But now they want a nice long creative naughty cat story EVERY DAY! And my imagination is just not that fertile. The cats have been to the beach, in an airplane, on a boat, to grandma's house, and even have their own clubhouse (the happy catty house. wierd)-but ive run out of stories. Now I have to tell them "i'll tell you later" and hope they forget about the whole thing.

They also have a funny night time routine-everynight after teeth brushing and story time, they start saying "i hope daddy doesn't GET me!!" (which means they hope daddy DOES get them) and then Daddy will pop out unexpectedly and carry them upsidedown or sideways to bed. They love it! And then once they are in the bed, they say in their most serious baby voices, "YOU CANT GET ME ANY ANY ANY ANY MORE!!" But they would be so disappointed if he didn't. They are funny.

Our house is stilllllllllllllll for sale...and im afraid it will never sell. We have showings now and again, but no big interest yet. So say a prayer that the "right buyer" comes along soon and can't live without the house :).

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