Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Today Caitlin had "wacky wednesday" at school (brought to you by the letter W), and had to wear crazy clothes...things that don't match, etc. Now when she first found out about this, she was pretty excited, "...and I'll wear my SHOES ON THE WRONG FEET!" (wacky for Caitlin, the norm for Matthew). However this morning once Mommy picked out the crazy clothes (oh and mommy is good at that. just take a look at my sartorial choices as a child. or as a mommy for that matter), Aunt Ginny Caitlin got a bit nervous. "I'm wearing that?, I like nice clothes. Maybe just my shoes on the wrong feet". So, i toned it down a bit, and let her wear matching socks, and clothes that actually fit...but she was still not happy. She wore them though (the whole time saying, "when i get home, im going to put nice clothes on. RIGHT when i get home. Because I like nice clothes. I want Daddy to see me in NICE clothes. OK mom? Ok?"). I reassured her, and told her it was the rules today at school. She had to wear the wacky clothes. Luckily for me, the only thing Caitlin hates worse than unmatching clothes is breaking the rules. I managed to take a few pictures (only by bribing her, mind you) for your enjoyment.

Here she is, making her "wacky face". (or perhaps she is thinking, "maybe if I make this face, no one will recognize me"

And...her closeup. Napolean Dynamite, anyone?

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