Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Prizes and Birthdays

Now please bring Will and Sarah over for a visit soon.
On to posting!
The first order of business: A shout out to alllllllll the February birthdays. (how the shortest month has the most birthdays I will never know) Happy birthday to...

Shew! Thats a lot! In honor of Grandma's birthday we went up for a visit with the golf cart Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Ginny. It was great! They had planned a special surprise party for Matt while we were there so we did a double birthday party...with some of the best fudge cake we've ever had (thanks mom!)-there were some leftovers Grandma sent home with us and I nearly lost a finger when I tried to take a piece. Apparently Matt doesn't share his fudge cake.

While we were there we got to do so many fun things. Grandpa gave Caitlin one of her favorite things...a new puzzle. She LOVES puzzles. This one had 300 pieces and together they finished the whole thing before we left. Matthew and daddy practiced a little baseball-both kids are signed up for Spring ball so we've been trying to teach them the basics. Unfortunately Caitlin and Matthew are on different teams which means that now our lives are baseball. They each have one practice during the week (on different days) and either a game or a practice every saturday from now until the beginning of May! Thats a lot of baseball. They are excited though.

In other news...Tomorrow is Matt's birthday! I already gave him his birthday present-which we are both going to enjoy...(me because it means fewer calls from the middle of Atlanta, "honey!? where am i? can you get me out of here?"). He is going to take Friday off from work to enjoy his other birthday present...sod for the back yard! Which we get to lay!! Im SO looking forward to that! Though thankfully it will be a little easier (i hope) than the last time we laid sod together...( are so lucky you are out of town. Otherwise you would be helping us lay sod this time :)) Anyway, the sod is hopefully going to cut down on the amount of red clay that gets ground into our carpets on a daily basis.

All right...thats about all our news. Here are a couple of pictures:

Doing Puzzles with Grandpa

Practicing with Daddy

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