Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I guess my Virginia trip can only get me off the hook for so long...looks like it's time to update the blog again!!
We had a nice Mother's Day this past weekend-Matt and the kiddies spoiled me all day long. And I loved it! However there was one bad part to the day-Matthew got a HUGE boo-boo. He and Caitlin had been swimming in their baby pool at Matt's parents house, and was all done. So I wrapped him up nice and tight in a towel...he couldn't even move his arms. We walked up the concrete steps to the house, and then Matthew decided to take the short way back down. By rolling down all four steps on his face ...oh MAN youve never seen something so bad! Luckily there was no need for a hospital trip and all teeth are intact...but the left side of his face was so so so swollen and bruised! Poor baby. However he was brave, and after the initial crying was over, he complained that he was hungry. So that was good :).

Caitlin has her last day of preschool this week, and i think she's really going to miss going over the summer. She's made some friends, and all the teacher's there have decided that she is going to be an artist. She also finished up soccer-so Im going to have to find some new activities for them to do over the summer. Im thinking gymnastics. We'll see though.

Let's see. I have pictures to post from Caitlin's "bike day" at preschool. Matthew got to participate as well, and really enjoyed doing man things with the two other boys in Caitlin's class.
Caitlin on her "big girl bike", which I realized is actually too small for her now! She is growing like crazy!

At "bike day" they had various stations set up where you could stop and play...this one was the doctor's station. Doesn't she look like a pro with that stethoscope?? The future Dr. Caitlin Schroeder perhaps??

At the bike washing station...with a little help from Matthew-

Matthew and one of Caitlin's classmates, with the man tools at the "gas station".

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