Saturday, August 9, 2008

We Survived!

The first week of school was a huge success. Caitlin was a little nervous on the first day and did say that she cried a little toward the end of the day "because she was tired"...but she handled it beautifully and was happy to go back the next day. She's such a big girl now! We have a few issues to work out with her still...for example; she gets very upset when other kids are not being makes her genuinely unhappy. Also she doesn't like to get to school too early because if they get there before about 7:20 they have to wait in the Cafeteria instead of going straight to class and for some reason waiting in the cafeteria is a fate worse than death to her. Overall though she loves kindergarten...she's already made a few friends and has some kids from last years preschool in her class. However the biggest Caitlin news of the week? SHE WAS THE FIRST ONE TO TAKE "JEFFIE" HOME!!!!! Let me explain: Every time you behave or follow a rule at school you get a "pink strip" of paper. At the end of the week the kid with the most pink strips gets to take the special class stuffed animal home...Jeffie the stuffed cocker spaniel. AND CAITLIN HAD THE MOST!!! She had 14 pink strips...more than anyone else in the class. I am ridiculously proud of her. (can you tell???!) Here she is with Jeffie:

"Jeffie"...a wrapped up in one of the couch covers.
Matthew is also thriving in preschool. I am so very glad that i decided to send him for five days! He loves it and seems to really like his teacher. He earned a "sticker on his chart" every day for good behavior and has made quite a few friends. This year is better than last year because there are quite a few other boys in his class. (last year there was only one other boy). He also has his favorite little girl friend in his class from last year, so that made his transition even easier. He does get tired and sleeps every day when he gets home from school-and actually he got his first cold already this week! He had to stay home with me on Thursday...and he was so bored- He kept asking where Caitlin was and wanted it to be time to pick her up. Here's a picture of my big boy:
All of the sudden it seems like Matthew's art skills have been kicked in to high gear. I had to take a picture of my favorite drawing lately...he was drawing a kitty family for me, along with a lot of hearts and "something for the kitties to ride on" at the top:
(ok, so maybe only a mommy would consider him a skilled artist...but i love it) If you look closely you can see where he wrote his name and my name...and he put a little heart right next to mommy: (im gonna save this picture :))And now on to the Pea: This picture pretty much sums up her behavior lately:

See the little devil horns??!! Thats because she is in to EVERYTHING!! TWICE!!! There is aways something in her mouth (usually dog food or the rocks from the fireplace) and she wants to be in on whatever Caitlin and Matthew are doing. Unfortunately she's so darn cute that we let her get away with quite a bit....
She is an expert cruiser and has started to say "dada" and "mama"...but she doesn't know what she is saying. She has finally started to sleep through the night and eats just about everything. Her favorites are still bananas and blueberries though.

Thats about a the news fro, this week...I have finished the application process for Brenau and will hopefully be starting the Masters program at the end of October. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey guys... I feel your pain of sending your little girl to school, but on a higher level. Sarah Britt goes to college a week from tomorrow. YIPES! It can't be. But, I know she will thrive, and she seems very ready for the challenge. So, just know that the separation anxiety never ends! You have so much to look forward to...

Miss ya'll!