Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Swim Day

I have lots of pictures to post today..Ive kind of been saving them up from the past couple of weeks. Not a lot has been going on here lately-mostly we've been trying to stay cool in this 100 degrees plus weather we've had! Today Matthew had "swim day" at his preschool-where they bring in baby pools and slip and slides and all sorts of water things and let the three year olds have at it-Matthew remembered Caitlin's swim day from last year and was so excited to be doing it this time. He was pretty much the wildest child there, running back and forth between the activities and generally acting like an animal. Needless to say he is back in his room sound asleep-and I don't expect to hear from him till dinner time! Caitlin was out of preschool this week because she has a bit of a virus that is causing ulcers in her mouth-no it's not handfootmouth...just a minor virus. But enough to keep her away from preschool for a few days. She is pretty bummed about it. Ive enjoyed having her with me though. I recently taught her how to play "war" (the card game where you basically see who has the highest card). I thought it would be a good way to get some math skills going (greater than/less than). She loves to play, and especially loves it when she's winning. Im happy because I love to play cards too, and since Matt is not a fan (plus we just got cable back) I don't usually have someone to play with.

In this set of pictures is also our visit to the chemistry professor/trainman/magician's house who has the neatest train setup in his backyard. It consists of two big traintracks that surround a goldfish pond and has little buildings and bridges set up around it. There are several toy trains that run along the tracks, and the kids just loved seeing it-and having their very own conductor to show them around. Pretty neat.

Also I got the kids all dressed up for church and had a few minutes before we had to leave (which is an unheard of event) so I took pictures. Enjoy!

This particular pool was the most one point i think they had all the kids in at once...

Matthew getting ready to jump in

Nothing better than playing in the hose...good thing the preschool's not on water restrictions!

Admiring the trains

Matthew is helping to fix the trains

At the duck park. We had an entire box of rice crispies that day...which the ducks loved

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