Monday, September 17, 2007

Fall Festival!

Here's the quick and dirty on this weekend:

2. Zero buyings
3. Gorgeous fall weather...i think the high on saturday was 78.
4. Fall festival in north georgia.
Here are some pictures from all the fun:

In front of the shoals. Which I completely left out of the picture. But I got the munchkins, so it's ok:)
Petting the "children's python". Seriously, that's what it's called....
Caitlin was totally making fun of the poor guy dressed up as a duck. Just look at her face...
Matthew on the other hand was scared to death....he wouldn't take pictures until I was between him and the scary dude in the bright yellow suit.
Down the gigantic slide....

Daddy and Caitlin

Little cowboy-

"Trigger" and Caitlin

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