Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pet Day and Two Wheels

Happy weekend!

We have a few things to report...first-Friday was "Pet Day" for Matthew at the preschool. We did this with Caitlin last year and kind of knew what to expect. We took Chassie, who had a horrible time because I kept her on a VERY tight leash and wouldn't let her chase a single cat. Or hen. (yes..someone brought their pet hen. This is rural Georgia we're talking about) Matthew had a great time..mostly with the kitty cats.
Chassie in the choke hold.

Matthew loooovvveeeddd pet day.

You have to look closely but here he is, squatting down to see the kitten.

The next business of the weekend is that we decided to start Caitlin on two wheels! We pulled her old bike out which was conveniently missing one of it's training wheels (that's what happens when you leave your bike in the path of Daddy's redcar), and we removed the other wheel and gave her her first big girl lesson. Matthew also got a lesson (big BOY) and both did very well! Caitlin even went a few seconds by herself. It's gonna take a lot of practice, but i know she'll get it. Matthew wasn't really all that interested in learning-the novelty of having a real big boy bike hasn't worn off yet. So he mostly just rode his bike around.

We started out in our own driveway, but it was a little too hilly, so we ended up in an empty parking lot near our house.

Matthew was very color coordinated for the bike riding...

Mommy in an "oh-so-flattering-leave-me-alone-im-8-months-pregnant" pose, helping Caitlin.

Of course the peanut butter puppy got to come with us.

Look!!! All by herself!

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