Friday, September 28, 2007


Good Morning...don't they look cozy? Both have come down with a little cold and came and crawled into our bed this morning (any chance I had of not getting sick..all gone now). I decided to let Matthew stay home from preschool (Caitlin didn't have school today), so we're home having a big ol' sick party.

So, the cutest thing happened yesterday...I guess all this baby talk is starting to affect Matthew-Yesterday he brought me "Allie's" trunk full of clothes. (Allie is Caitlin's doll) He wanted me to open it...and I just figured he was going to empty it to make a new hangar for his airplanes, or stuff it full of action figures. A little later though, I wandered into Caitlin's room and this is what I saw.....

He's changing Allie's diaper! And dressing her! (he doesn't seem to mind the fact that he's only half dressed...). Then he put her in her carseat and carried her around. I asked him where he was taking her, and he said, "im just carrying her because I don't have a car". Is he already dropping hints??
Sweet little man..practicing for Hannah I guess :)

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